Wayne State University – College of Pharmacy

60,000 CFM Fanwall Retro-fit

The Wayne State College of Pharmacy experienced a catastrophic BIAF supply fan failure, compromising a large portion of the buildings environment.  The Limbach Company responded quickly and recommended a “Quick-Ship” Fanwall® retrofit.  This existing AHU was designed to deliver 50,000 CFM, but upon further evaluation it was determined that the actual need was for 60,000 CFM.  That said, Griffin and Temtrol designed a 60,000 CFM Fanwall® and also a 10,000 CFM “side-car” chilled water coil increaser.

This AHU was put back online in a very short period of time, and is now delivering 60,000 CFM utilizing a twelve (12) fan array with N-2 redundancy, and doing so in a much more efficient and quiet manner.