Wayne State University – College of Pharmacy

60,000 CFM Fanwall Retro-fit

The Wayne State College of Pharmacy experienced a catastrophic BIAF supply fan failure, compromising a large portion of the buildings environment.  The Limbach Company responded quickly and recommended a “Quick-Ship” Fanwall® retrofit.  This existing AHU was designed to deliver 50,000 CFM, but upon further evaluation it was determined that the actual need was for 60,000 CFM.  That said, Griffin and Temtrol designed a 60,000 CFM Fanwall® and also a 10,000 CFM “side-car” chilled water coil increaser.

This AHU was put back online in a very short period of time, and is now delivering 60,000 CFM utilizing a twelve (12) fan array with N-2 redundancy, and doing so in a much more efficient and quiet manner.

Battle Creek High School

14 Venmar CES Energy-Pack® Air Handlers with Integrated Ground Source Heat Pumps

Griffin provided Battle Creek High School with 14 Venmar CES Energy-Pack air handlers with integrated ground source heat pumps. Some had enthalpy wheels and some had plate heat exchangers.

Air handler sizes ranged from 3,800 to 42,500 cfm. The largest AHU provided dehumidification in pool area and incorporated an aluminum air-to-air plate heat exchanger with AHRI Certified performance.

Heat pumps utilize ground water as the heat sink and provide the school with simultaneous heating and cooling throughout the year.

Click here to read a full case study on Battle Creek High School.